Working For Justice In Housing



Contact Us

BNI works for justice in housing through its two programs.  Both programs work through


Fair Housing

The Fair Housing Program works to ensure that all people in Maryland may freely choose where to live without regard to their race, color, religion, national origin, disability, gender, familial status, marital status, or sexual orientation. 



The Tenant-Landlord program seeks to improve the relationship between tenants and landlords by informing them of their rights under the law. 


For more information please click on the links to the left.

Baltimore Mural Program: Mural at 1904 McCulloh Street, by Lyle Kissack (2001)

BNI LogoEqual Housing Opportunity Logo

Baltimore Neighborhoods, Inc.
2217 St. Paul St., Baltimore, MD 21218
Administration: (410) 243-4468 
Fair Housing: (410) 243-4400
Tenant-Landlord Hotline: (410) 243-6007
(Baltimore Region) or 1-800-487-6007 (Maryland Only)


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