Working For Justice In Housing



Education & Outreach

The Fair Housing Program staff is available to answer questions and give presentations about fair housing law at no charge. We offer the following programs:

School Age Education & Outreach
One of the major obstacles to the successful integration and stabilization of neighborhoods is the persistence of prejudice and intolerance within the general population. One of the best ways to combat prejudice is to teach tolerance at a young age.

The BNI School Fair Housing Outreach curriculum focuses on teaching tolerance and encouraging students to consider the benefits of living in an integrated community. Fair Housing Specialists are available for visits to elementary and secondary classrooms as well as after school programs and community centers. The lessons are designed to take place within a limited time frame (between 30 minutes and 1 hour) and can be altered to fit your specific needs. Lesson plans and resource materials are also available for use by classroom teachers.

Community Education & Outreach
Fair Housing Specialists are available to speak to your group or organization about fair housing law and specific fair housing issues. We can also team with a tenant/landlord counselor in order to provide a broader presentation on laws governing renters in the state of Maryland.

Housing Providers
The Fair Housing Program welcomes and encourages questions on fair housing law and outreach requests from landlords and property managers. For further information or to arrange for a Fair Housing Outreach at your organization, please call the Fair Housing Office at (410)243-4400.

Baltimore Mural Program: Mural at 200 N. Bentalou, by Urban Xperience, By Benori Stewart, Sie Lnagley, and Omar Joseph (2004)

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Baltimore Neighborhoods, Inc.
2217 St. Paul St., Baltimore, MD 21218
Administration: (410) 243-4468 
Fair Housing: (410) 243-4400
Tenant-Landlord Hotline: (410) 243-6007
(Baltimore Region) or 1-800-487-6007 (Maryland Only)


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