Working For Justice In Housing



Fair Housing State Law

The Maryland Commission on Human Relations (MCHR administers the state�s fair housing law. Maryland�s fair housing law is essentially identical to the federal fair housing laws, but it includes the following additional protected classes:
  • Marital Status (defined as the state of being single, married, separated, divorced, or widowed)
  • Sexual Orientation (includes heterosexuals, homosexuals, and bisexuals)Definition of �Housing Provider�


Federal Laws State Law Local Laws


Baltimore Mural Program: Mural at 1800 Block of Hanover Street, By Espi frazier & Jennifer Rattigan (2003)

BNI Logo

Baltimore Neighborhoods, Inc.
2217 St. Paul St., Baltimore, MD 21218
Administration: (410) 243-4468 
Fair Housing: (410) 243-4400
Tenant-Landlord Hotline: (410) 243-6007
(Baltimore Region) or 1-800-487-6007 (Maryland Only)


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