Welcome To BNI Maryland

Save the Date!
On May 16, 2017, Baltimore Neighborhoods, Inc. (BNI), Maryland's oldest fair housing organization founded in 1959, will host its 58th Annual Meeting at Temple Oheb Shalom, 7310 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21208. This public business meeting will be immediately followed by a reception and silent auction.
This year, BNI's Dickens Warfield Fair Housing Award will honor Antonia Fasanelli of the Homeless Persons Representation Project, Inc., C. Matthew Hill of the Public Justice Center, and Odette Ramos of the Community Development Network for their dedication and commitment to fair housing for all Marylanders.
Tickets may be purchased through the following EventBrite link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bni-2017-annual-meeting-fun-raiser-tickets-33216415192